Good Friday History -Sayings of Jesus on the Cross – New Christian Prayer Church

As Christians, the final words of Jesus Christ are deeply significant and offer profound insights into His character, purpose, and the depths of His love for humanity. These seven utterances, spoken during His crucifixion, reflect a journey of immense pain, profound forgiveness, and ultimate triumph over death. Let us explore these words that continue to inspire believers and challenge the hearts of all who hear them.

**1. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”**
*(Luke 23:34)*

The first words of Jesus on the cross were not of anger or condemnation, but of forgiveness. Even in His agony, Christ's heart was filled with compassion for those who were responsible for His suffering. This plea to God the Father reflects Jesus' mission to bring reconciliation and peace to a broken world. His words remind us that no sin is too great to be forgiven when we seek God's mercy.

**2. “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”**
*(Luke 23:43)*

To the thief on the cross who repented and acknowledged Jesus as the Messiah, Christ offered words of hope and eternal life. Despite the man's sins, Jesus assured him of his place in heaven. This powerful declaration reveals that salvation is available to all, regardless of past mistakes, if they repent and believe. It is a promise that speaks to the grace of God that transcends time and circumstance.

**3. “Woman, behold your son.”
Then he said to the disciple, ‘Behold your mother.’”**
*(John 19:26-27)*

In His final moments, Jesus cared for His mother, Mary. Though He was facing the most excruciating death, His thoughts were still with those He loved. By entrusting Mary to His disciple, John, Jesus demonstrated His deep concern for her well-being. These words invite us to reflect on the importance of family, love, and the responsibility we have to care for one another.

**4. “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”**
*(Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34)*

As Jesus bore the weight of the world’s sin, He experienced the depth of abandonment and isolation. In quoting Psalm 22, He expressed the raw anguish of being forsaken by the Father, though He knew it was necessary for humanity’s redemption. This cry reveals Jesus' humanity and the extent of His sacrifice. It reminds us that, in our darkest moments, God understands our pain and remains faithful.

**5. “I thirst.”**
*(John 19:28)*

Jesus’ declaration of thirst was more than a physical need; it was the fulfillment of Scripture. In saying “I thirst,” He expressed His physical suffering, but also His yearning to complete the Father’s will. Through this simple statement, Jesus showed His vulnerability, a powerful reminder that even in suffering, there is a greater purpose. We too are called to surrender our lives, even in moments of weakness, to God’s plan.

**6. “It is finished.”**
*(John 19:30)*

With these words, Jesus proclaimed the completion of His mission on Earth. His sacrifice on the cross fulfilled God's plan of redemption for mankind. No further atonement would be needed, for Christ had paid the price in full. "It is finished" is a declaration of victory over sin and death, a reminder that Jesus’ work was not in vain. Through His sacrifice, we are reconciled with God, and His resurrection guarantees eternal life for all who believe.

**7. “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”**
*(Luke 23:46)*

With His final breath, Jesus entrusted His spirit to the Father. This final act of surrender reveals His complete trust in God’s will. It signifies His faithful obedience, even in the face of death, and marks the moment when He willingly gave His life for the salvation of the world. These words are a powerful reminder for us to place our trust in God's hands, especially when we face uncertainty or suffering.


The Seven Last Words of Christ encapsulate the heart of the Gospel. In these final moments, Jesus demonstrated forgiveness, compassion, suffering, triumph, and ultimate surrender to God. His words continue to speak to us today, guiding us toward a deeper understanding of God's love and His plan for our lives.

As we reflect on these words, we are invited to live a life of grace, trust, and commitment. Just as Christ gave Himself up for us, we are called to surrender our hearts to Him and follow His example of selfless love. The Seven Last Words of Christ remind us that in our suffering, there is hope; in our brokenness, there is healing; and in our death, there is eternal life.

May these words inspire you, deepen your faith, and draw you closer to the One who gave it all for your salvation.

"If you have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior , Today is the Day of Salvation
Do not wait. Today is the day to accept Jesus and receive eternal life.
Now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2"

Prayer: My Lord, I come to You with my whole heart. I believe You are the Son of God and you died for my sins. My Lord, please forgive me and be my Savior. My Father, help me follow Your will. Thank You, my Father, for Your love and gift of salvation. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen.

Find Joy! Start with a prayer and Bible reading. Let God fill your heart with happiness!