• jesus

Bible Quiz in English

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Quiz Questions with Answers:

1. Who was the prophet that confronted King David about his sin with Bathsheba?

Answer. Nathan
2. Which book of the Bible tells the story of Samson and Delilah?
Answer. Judges
3. Who was the first high priest of Israel?
 Answer. Aaron
4. Which king of Israel was known for his wisdom and built the temple?
 Answer. Solomon
5. Who was the father of John the Baptist?
Answer. Zechariah
6. Who led the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses’ death?
Answer. Joshua
7. Which New Testament book contains the Beatitudes?
Answer. Matthew
8. Who was the first Christian martyr?
Answer. Stephen
9. What is the longest book in the Bible by chapters?
Answer. Psalms
10. Who wrote the majority of the New Testament letters?
Answer. Paul
11. Who interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams about the coming famine in Egypt?
Answer. Joseph
12. Which prophet had a vision of a valley of dry bones?
Answer. Ezekiel
13. Who was the woman judge of Israel mentioned in the Book of Judges?
Answer. Deborah
14. What city was Jonah sent to by God to preach repentance?
Answer. Nineveh
15. Who was the king during Daniel’s time in the lion’s den?
Answer. Darius
16. Who was the disciple that replaced Judas Iscariot?
Answer. Matthias
17. Which Old Testament prophet was swallowed by a fish?
Answer. Jonah
18. Who was known for her loyalty to her mother-in-law, Naomi?
Answer. Ruth
19. Who was the first man to die in the Bible?
Answer. Abel
21. Who was the Jewish queen who saved her people from genocide?
Answer. Esther
22. Which New Testament book is addressed to “Theophilus”?
Answer. Luke
23. Who was the Moabite woman who became the great-grandmother of King David?
Answer. Ruth
24. Who was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to be crucified?
Answer. Pontius Pilate
25. Who was the tax collector that climbed a tree to see Jesus?
Answer. Zacchaeus
26. Which Old Testament figure wrestled with an angel?
Answer. Jacob
27. Who was thrown into a fiery furnace but survived?
Answer. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
28. Who was the last judge of Israel before the monarchy was established?
Answer. Samuel


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