• jesus

Bible Sermons – New Christian Prayer Church


The Seven Last Words: Christ’s Call to Us from the Cross Biblical Teachings for Spiritual Growth – New Christian Prayer Church 


As Christians, the final words of Jesus Christ are deeply significant and offer profound insights into His character, purpose, and the depths of His love for humanity. These seven utterances, spoken during His crucifixion, reflect a journey of immense pain, profound forgiveness, and ultimate triumph over death. Let us explore these words that continue to inspire believers and challenge the hearts of all who hear them.

The Prophecy of the Savior

Long before the birth of Jesus, prophets foretold the coming of a Savior who would bring light to a dark world.

Isaiah wrote, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

12 disciples of Jesus Christ

The 12 Disciples of Jesus: Ordinary Men Chosen for an Extraordinary Mission
The twelve disciples, also called apostles, were ordinary men chosen by Jesus to follow Him closely and carry forward His mission.

Jehovah-Nissi: The Lord is My Banner

✨ Introduction

In our journey of faith, the names of God reveal His character and His role in our lives. One such name is Jehovah-Nissi 🏳️,



meaning “The Lord is my banner.” This profound title, along with the description of Jesus as having “eyes like a flame of fire” 🔥👁️, points to His guiding presence, purifying power, and ultimate victory 🏆